


By Ektaa Sibal

Thinking or is it Overthinking?

Overthinking as a term looks very simple but it can create various issues if one does not stop it at the right time. I come across lot of people with various issues and problems, however one particular issue stands out and that is overthinking.

So that got me thinking to why not address this big word on this page and briefly list down some of the ways on how we can Overcome Overthinking!


So here it goes…

  1. Recognize and accept whenever your mind wanders and goes into the phase of overthinking. Bringing it back to focus and not getting lost in the maze is the first and crucial step to avert overburdening your mind with unnecessary thoughts.
  2. Stop being critical about yourself or your situations. Being critical only brings out the worst. Look at the improvement areas for yourself or the situation.
  1. Look at the positive side of yourself and your situation. Acknowledging the blessings or the positive areas helps in reducing overthinking.
  1. Don’t focus only on negative things that may happen, visualize on the things that may go right.

  1. Fear is the biggest cause of overthinking. Fear can also be positive if it forces a person to find solutions but it turns negative when it induces a person to worry and look for only more problems.

  1. Don’t jump to conclusions. Don’t overthink about people that they may be reacting or thinking in some way or don’t start believing that a situation will turn out to be bad without any evidence

  1. Train your mind to think about positive thoughts, make continuous efforts to look at the bright side. Habits don’t die fast but doing something continuously can turn into a habit.

  1. Go step by step. Don’t rush into achieving the results and don’t be too slow to not work towards the results. Either ways one will tend to get caught in overthinking.

  1. Use meditation as a mechanism to slow down the pace of your mind that may be working too fast due to overthinking. Give your brain some rest!

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